
This is a therapy based on pleasurable massage and full relaxation of the body. For this reason can be used as a therapeutic treatment and also as an enjoyable, pacific and relaxing moment.

As an experimented therapist, I also combine this ancient technique with an apropiate localized massage, incenses and relaxing music, based on healing notes and sounds.

The Session as a therapy:
A session for therapeutic purposes, can last between an hour and an hour and a half. In the first session, a diagnosis tab is made. That throughout the complete treatment (which can last between 4 and 6 sessions to be truly effective) is updated according to the patient evolution. It evaluates not only the symptoms of the patient but also the discovery of potential weaknesses that the therapist finds in the process. The conclution of both informations will dictate which is the source of the patology that is afflicting the patient.
This therapy is accompanied by music-therapeutic stimulus and fitomedical prescriptions
The complete session consists in a general massage (with application of sedative creams and stimulant lotions), in which the entire body is balanced and relaxed, including the 7 chakras. Then the specific massage is applied, according to the diagnosis obtained from the patient and his manifested patology.

The Session as a pleasure:
Reflexology as a therapy does not cease to be wonderful, but a reflexology session devoted to pleasure can be really enjoyable.
It last between one half and three quarters o an hour. It’s direct and effective in terms of satisfaction. Does not require further treatment, or diagnosis of diseases. The session consist in a relaxing, stimulating and refreshing massage. Also includes the stimulation of the 7 chakras.
This type of therapy is that I'm applying with increasing frequency, because I'm traveling the world aboard a sailing boat. So I’m dedicating to implement reflexology massage in beaches, hotels or in different homes; there are even those who prefer a meeting on our boat.

The application of treatment on feet or hands is realized at the patient’s request. Is usually recommended massage applied on the feet, as they are much more sensitive to treatment.
On this last point, I want to demystify something: reflexology massage on feet does not produce tickles.