What is this Technique about?

(Click on the Green Words in order to know its meaning)

That's about a massage tecnice, used for therapic or relaxing purpose, which uses acupressure, with the therapist fingers, in specific points on feets (or hands), producing different reactions in respectives parts of the organism, directly. Without interference of the brain. This ancient technique today is called Reflexology.
All the organs and systems of the human body are on the feets (see the illustration). Skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory, excretory, reproductive, etc. All those systems are on feets.
By estimulation of those "reflex points" an extreme relaxation state can be reached. Then, the body begins to equilibrate by itself, physically and energetically. Reflexology estimulates the self healing of the complete body. There´s a short step to find the root of the problem.
For example: In headache, we usually take an aspirin. What are we doing? Are we healing the patology? Or we are just hiding a symptomatology?. The headache could be caused by different reasons: stress, poor alimentation, poor respiration, liver intoxication, etc. If we are not attaking the source of the problem, it will not disappear. Maybe generating a biggest one.

To know the therapies which complements the treatment, see "How is the Treatment"